Lacks Contours and Water Depths
I am a big fan of Garmin products and have a Garmin Watch, use Garmin products for flying private planes. However, I am very disappointed in the Blue Charts App. I paid for the 2013 maps and then again for the 2015 to see if they had added more detail.
Issues List:
1) Major inland waterways including the Tennessee River and lakes do not have any contour lines or depths.
2) Speed cannot be displayed (a common feature in other applications
3) No auto-route feature
I have just switched over to Boating USA which addresses all three shortcomings. I would consider switching back to Garmin Blue Charts, but this application has far more detail on contour lines (Garmin has none), and it does auto-routing and displays speed. Not to mention it is 1/4th the cost.
Garmin BlueChart® Mobile